E-Fest Competitions
Digital Badges for Official ASME competition winners are now awarded!
Competition winners can share their achievement on a resume, CV, LinkedIn profile, social media and much more. Learn about digital badges.
In-person competitions that may be held at EFx events include: eHPVC, SDC, IAM3D, Oral and Elevator Pitch.
Digital ONLY competitions include: Technical Digital Poster, XRC Lunar Lander, XRC Autonomous Vehicles and Old Guard Graduate Student Video Competition
An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you and/or your organization does. Designed to create interest in a project, idea, or product... or in yourself!
The ASME Extended Reality Challenge (XRC): Lunar Lander tasks students to design and race a spacecraft in a virtual reality setting using CAD and programming skills.
The ASME Extended Reality Challenge (XRC): Autonomous Vehicles tasks students to design and race a vehicle in a virtual reality setting using CAD and programming skills.
The competition challenge: prepare and deliver a 12-minute technical presentation, typically about a design project, with the emphasis on oral presentation skills.
e-HPVC is an engineering design & innovation competition where students can apply engineering principles through the design, fabrication, and racing of human powered vehicles.
The ASME Student Design Competition provides a platform for ASME Student Members to present their solutions to a range of design problems.
The IAM3D® Challenge is designed to give engineering students an opportunity to re-engineer existing products or create new designs.
This competition is for graduate students to prepare and deliver a 5-minute video presentation dealing with a research project or other advanced technical field.
This competition is designed to emphasize the ability to present a clear, concise, and effective visual presentation, pertaining to some sphere in which an engineer is or should be involved.