XRC: ASME Extended Reality Challenge: Autonomous Vehicles

What is the Extended Reality Challenge: Autonomous Vehicles & Prizes

The ASME Extended Reality Challenge is a FULLY DIGITAL competition, and it will focus on autonomous racing.   The competition will enable student teams to:

  • Design a vehicle using the CAD software of their choice within the constraints provided in the competition rules
  • Write an algorithm to control their vehicle using our block based programming software to navigate through a virtual practice course
  • Compete against other teams during an autonomous race on a virtual race track during E-Fest Tech Connect, formerly E-Fest Digital (March 22, 2025)


AY'24-'25 ASME Extended Reality Challenge: Autonomous Racing Rules - NOW AVAILABLE!

Download the AY'24-'25 XRC Autonomous Vehicle rules.

The Extended Reality Challenge:  Autonomous Vehicles will ONLY be held VIRTUALLY and at E-Fest Tech Connect, formerly E-Fest Digital (March 22, 2025).

Registration for E-Fest Tech Connect and competition deadlines will be posted soon.


If you have questions about E-Fest Digital, please submit them to efests@asme.org