XRC: ASME Extended Reality Challenge: Lunar Lander

What is the Extended Reality Challenge: Lunar Lander & Prizes

The ASME Extended Reality Challenge: Lunar Lander is a FULLY DIGITAL competition, and it will focus on designing a lunar lander.   The competition will enable student teams to:

  • Create a spacecraft design using CAD
  • Build a robust algorithm to safely land within a specified target
  • Compete head-to-head against other teams in a virtual space race to the moon during E-Fest Digital (2025 date TBA)


AY'24-'25 ASME Extended Reality Challenge: Lunar Lander Rules - COMING SOON!

AY-24-'25 rules NOT YET POSTED and are coming soon.

The Extended Reality Challenge:  Lunar Lander will ONLY be held VIRTUALLY and at E-Fest Digital (2025 date TBA).


If you have questions about E-Fest Digital, please submit them to efests@asme.org

If you have technical questions about the competition, please post to the XRC Lunar Lander Q&A Forum.